SASSA Means Test 2024 – What is SASSA Means Test?

When someone applies for a SASSA SRD grant on any basis he/she has to pass the SASSA Means Test. The Means test is used to evaluate the financial status of an applicant. Means test calculates the income and assets of the applicant. Applicant will be granted only if his assets and income is lower than the SASSA means test limit. 

The main purpose of SASSA’s means test is that the grant should be given to people who are really deserving. The criteria for means test is different for each type of grant i.e child support grant, old age grant disability grant. It should be noted that the assets and income of a married applicant is calculated collectively of the applicant and its spouse.

 In this article we will discuss the maximum limit of assets and income for means test to be eligible for a grant. However it should be noted that these limits are for the date up to April 1,2023 and these may change weather on April 1 or October 1 each year.

SASSA Means Test
  1. income earned from employment
  2. Receipt of funds from a private pension grant
  3. Generating revenue from business or agricultural activities
  4. Receiving financial assistance from acquaintances or family members
  5. Generating income by leasing a portion of one’s residence
  6. Receiving child maintenance payments from a former spouse
  7. Earning rental income from owned properties
  8. Obtaining compensation from various sources such as UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund), RAF (Road Accident Fund), or COIDA (Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Fund).
  1. Funds held in your bank account, including those in your or your spouse’s account if you’re married.
  2. The combined value of investments owned by you or your spouse, encompassing shares and various other investment vehicles.
  3. The assessed worth of any property or land owned by you and/or your spouse, except for your primary residence.
  4. Annuities from retirement funds are not regarded as assets if retirement hasn’t occurred.
  5. Existing debts, such as mortgages and loans, are taken into consideration.
  6. Upon retirement from a retirement fund, annuities are factored in as assets for the means test.

SASSA Means Test is conducted on two basis:

  1.  Income limit 
  2.  Asset limit

Below we will discuss both limits for each type of grant separately.

Following are the maximum limits of income for different types of grants:

  • In case the care dependency grant applicant is single(primary or parent caregiver of a child) the income should not surpass R20 800 per month or R249 600 per year..
  • In case the applicant is married (primary or parent caregiver of child) their collective income along with their spouse should not surpass R41 600 per month or per year R499 200. 
  • In case the child support grant applicant is single(primary or parent caregiver of a child) the income should not surpass R5 000 per month or R60 000 per year.
  • In case the applicant is married (primary or parent caregiver of a child) their collective income along with their spouse should not surpass R10 000 per month or R120 000 per year.
  • In case the applicant is married (primary or parent caregiver of child) their collective income along with their spouse should not surpass R16 140 per month or R193 680 per year.

The monthly income should not be more than R624 per month to be eligible for grant.

It should be noted that there is no income limit or means test for Foster Child grants.

Here is the maximum asset limit for SASSA Grant:

  • In case the applicant is single the worth of assets should not be more than R1 372 800
  • In case the applicant is married, the collective worth of assets of the applicant along with the spouse should not surpass R2 745 600.

It should be noted that there is no asset limit or means test for Foster Child grant, care dependency, SRD, Foster Child as these are need based grants.

Final Words:

In conclusion, the SASSA Means Test serves as a crucial evaluation tool to determine the eligibility of applicants for various grants. By assessing both income and assets, SASSA aims to ensure that assistance is provided to those who truly need it. It’s important to stay updated on the income and asset limits, as these may change annually. Through this SASSA means test, strives to support individuals and families facing financial hardship, thereby fulfilling its mandate to provide social relief to vulnerable members of society.

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